In the Circuit Court of ______________________________

vs.                                                                                            At Law/In Chancery No: __________

Praecipe    [Form 3:2(a)]

The clerk is requested to place the above-styled cause on the docket for the Motion Day of the Court to be had on the _______ day of _____________________, ______, for the following purpose(s) checked below:



Entry of order, judgment or decree.



Argument on pleadings (specify):



Hearing on motion (specify):



Pretrial conference.



Set for trial on preliminary issues of fact.



Other (specify):



Set for trial on the merits, for which purpose I certify that the above-styled cause is matured for trial on its merits to be set for trial with (   ) or without (   ) jury.

Counsel’s estimate of time required for the hearing ________________________.
Dated this _______ day of ______________________________, _______.

Counsel: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________
Phone No: ______________________________

Certificate of Service

I hereby certify that on the _______ day of ______________________, ______,
I mailed or delivered a true copy of the foregoing Praecipe to all counsel of record and parties not represented by counsel and not in default, the names and addresses of such counsel or parties being: ____________________________________________________________________________

Counsel for:____________________________________